We have a lovely area on the lower slope of our backyard with nice outdoor furniture and a huge umbrella, but it has weak wifi signal. The only wireless access point in the house is a single, ancient router in the living room. I would love to work from this lower slope; it’s so peaceful and quiet. So, I bought a second wifi router, installed OpenWRT on it, and spent most of the day trying to configure an 802.11s based wireless mesh network, but my brain is too smooth - I was getting errors that I was unable to fix. I eventually found another article (I can’t find it now), that suggested that Wireless Distribution System (WDS) is what I needed, so I followed OpenWRT’s guide for WDS, and it worked like a charm! I can actually take video calls from down there now! I still have some more work ahead of me though. I’m going to remove an outdoor light fixture that we never use, and turn it into an outlet so I can plug the new router in and mount it to the outside wall.